So my baby lost his first tooth....I guess he is not a baby anymore. His permanent tooth was growing in behind his baby tooth so I was really worried they would have to pull his tooth since the perm. one was not making the baby one loose. We went to Dr. Raper, his dentist, and he said it was fine and that it would come out. I still had my doubts. He was playing with his cousins and he tried to open something with his teeth (I know a bad habit I taught him) His tooth started to bleed and he FREAKED out! We were all so excited and told him that is what is supposed to happen. He was scared and didn't want anyone to see it or touch it. The next morning 5 minutes after I left for work Bradley called to say he pulled out his tooth! He said he woke up and felt it and it was loose so he just pulled it out! He was very excited, especially since he lost a tooth before his good friend Isabelle who is in 1st grade. The tooth fairy came that night and left him $3. He was more excited about the 2 feathers he found that must have fallen off of her wings! It was cute. I only have pictures of that on my phone and haven't figured out yet how to get those on here so I will update that when I figure it out.

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