I am bored at work so I thought I should update you on what is going on at home. We have had a lazy couple of weekends. We did go see our local high school play this weekend. Bradley enjoyed it but of course wanted to be up on stage. We went with Aunt Angie, Abbey and Libby. Abbey and Libby fell asleep!
We have 28 more days until we go to Disneyland. I am so excited and can't believe I have kept it a secret from him this long. I really want to surprise him but I am not sure how I am going to pack without him knowing or at least asking me what I am doing.
All of a sudden out of the blue Bradley wanted to watch Star Wars, which is cool with me since they have some Jedi training thing at Disney. So we went to Blockbuster and rented it. I didn't think he would like it, I know I don't. But he seemed to and asked to watch it again but it didn't hold his attention the 2nd time. I think he likes the book better but at least he will have an idea of what they are doing when we get there. It is one of those that they pick people from the audience to participate so I am sure he will want to do it. It sounds like they pick a lot of people at each show and since we are there for 7 days hopefully he will get picked at least once!
I have him now in an acting class at Starlight, however I am not sure how much acting they are really doing. This week they were supposed to practice being something from the book they read....Bradley choose to be a chair??? I am not sure how hard that is to practice but....that is what he picked.
We have been trying to go to the YMCA a lot and Bradley seems to be making friends there. It is fun to see who he is playing with each day.
I was able to go to Bradley's Valentine's day party at school. His teacher kept asking him why he was acting like a baby. I didn't think he was doing anything wrong so.....I guess that means he is really good when I am not there right??? Or does it mean that I am too easy on him? Who knows. I was glad I was able to go though.
Other than that not much has been going on. Hope you are all doing well. Thanks for reading and caring about us!