Thursday, August 28, 2008

1st day of School

I can't believe it is already that time of year again. Abbey started 2nd grade, Libby started Kindergarten and Bradley is still in preschool. We changed preschools this year since his old school, which we loved, would be doing the same thing they did last year. We hope that we made the right decision and that he will love school as much as he did last year. His teacher is Miss Tara and seems nice but very shy. At back to school night Bradley instantly made a friend named Pete so he was excited to go see him again! He called Mommy as soon as he got in the car to tell me about his day. Of course the only thing he remembered is playing! He is going 3 days a week this year and has to bring his lunch so hopefully that will help him get ready for next year. So far no problems!
Abbey & Libby's first day of school
All dressed and ready to go!
Chilling with his new friend Pete
Talking to Mommy telling her all about his 1st day!


Tara said...

The first day of school is always a blast!! We need to get Bradley and Camden together for a play date!! I think they are like two peas in a pod when they are together!!! Tara

Sharon Harlow said...

Everyone looks so cute on their first day of school - all dressed up and ready for the new year !!!!