So I was reading a random person's blog and was laughing through the whole thing. Oh how I wish I were witty. But...I am not so....I am just going to keep on doing my updates....sorry if you are bored...but I am mainly doing it so that someday Bradley will look through it and think his mom was really cool and did a lot of fun stuff with him.
I am not sure if I have mentioned how much Bradley adores his Pop. Well I do too but I have a hard time saying it to him. Well I heard on the radio that they were having a world's greatest Dad contest and since I know my dad is the worlds greatest I knew I needed to enter. I didn't think we would win because it was for kids but I wanted him to know I thought enough of him to nominate him. So. I did...and guess what...he won! It was a very touching moment in our lives and I meant every word that I said. I have NO idea what I would do without BOTH of my parents. Bradley's life would be crazy and awful if it were for them. So....again Thank you Mom and Dad and I really do think you are the greatest!
My renters suck and moved out during the middle of their lease and stopped payment on their last check. So...my family has been over there fixing it up and trying to get it rented out again. I wish so much that I could move back in and if I were smart I would have been saving these last 5 years that I have been living rent free with my parents and should have more than enough money to live there now. But I don't. So...we are desperately trying to rent it out. We are going to have a garage sale there first and try to get rid of 2 of our storage units. And we are having Bradley's birthday party there! I am pretty excited about this. He is having a carnival party and it should be a lot of fun. Let's hope it all works out and is not crazy disorganized mess like the rest of his parties have been. I always have these great ideas and then never quite get them all finished so it ends up being a mess. I am afraid I have crammed too many things into this party but we will see. The good thing about having it in an empty house is if it rains we are still ok.
The summer has been fun so far. Most of our time has been spent dealing with the house but we have been able to go to some Royals games, go on the boat, go to a T-bones game and just play outside. So....enjoy the pics!
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