So this is kind of fun. I didn't do anything exciting yesterday so i thought I would post some pics from things that have happened recently. My mom watches my baby and one of my friend's baby, Cale. I just bought Cale a johnny jump up because he is always jumping when you hold him. He loves it...so does Bradley! i think Bradley doesn't like all the attention Cale gets when he is in it because he is soooo funny in it. He bounces like there is no tomorrow! So we let Bradley in it too and make of him.
Bradley also has a little friend that lives up the street from us. His name is William and he is a twin to a girl named Victoria. William and Bradley are a lot alike, they both love to dress up and when William is over they can be 10 different things in the matter of an hour! Here is a picture of the 3 of them from the last time they were over.
Sat. Bradley and I went to Lowes to build a toolbox. I signed him up to do this with Pop but Pop had to go out of town so I took Bradley instead. He was very proud of himself that he was able to do this all by himself!
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