Thursday, January 31, 2008
Just a little bragging....
So the other day I was at the gym and Bradley was in the play area. He decided he wanted to draw a picture for Alice. When I went to pick him up he had written her name on it. I asked him who told him how to spell it and he said, " I love her so I just know how!" I couldn't believe it. I had spelled it for him a few times but I was very impressed. He actually forgot the i but that is pretty darn good for a 4 year old, don't you think?I have to tell one other funny story. We were in Target the other day and he saw a package of underwear that had the little mermaid on them. He was begging for them. I kept telling them they were girls and he kept telling me they would fit.....don't worry we didn't get them! But the next day we were at Applebees and he was playing with my hair and I asked him if he wanted to be a hair stylist when he grew up. He didn't know what that meant so I told him and his face lightened up and he said Yes that is what I want to be! :) So....if this comes true we know where it all stemmed from....
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
just some extra stuff

So this is kind of fun. I didn't do anything exciting yesterday so i thought I would post some pics from things that have happened recently. My mom watches my baby and one of my friend's baby, Cale. I just bought Cale a johnny jump up because he is always jumping when you hold him. He loves does Bradley! i think Bradley doesn't like all the attention Cale gets when he is in it because he is soooo funny in it. He bounces like there is no tomorrow! So we let Bradley in it too and make of him.
Bradley also has a little friend that lives up the street from us. His name is William and he is a twin to a girl named Victoria. William and Bradley are a lot alike, they both love to dress up and when William is over they can be 10 different things in the matter of an hour! Here is a picture of the 3 of them from the last time they were over.
Sat. Bradley and I went to Lowes to build a toolbox. I signed him up to do this with Pop but Pop had to go out of town so I took Bradley instead. He was very proud of himself that he was able to do this all by himself!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Here we go

OK my best friend Kristin just started a blog so I started feeling guilty that I haven't done so. I am terrible about scrapbooking so hopefully this will be something Bradley can look back on and remember all the fun things he has done in life. I used to write something down everyday that he did or said...but of course I didn't follow up on that. I did well for his first 3 years but haven't done so well this year. Right now Bradley is really into Alice in Wonderland. I can't stand the movie so it makes it hard on me but he really loves Alice. We got him an Alice doll and he takes it everywhere. At the mall some little boy told him he needs to give it to a girl. I told Bradley to tell him Daddy's need practice too and that he will be an amazing Daddy someday. Since he doesn't have a Daddy I think that made him feel special. So...Alice continues on. In school last week they drew a picture of a dog and Bradley named his Alice since it had a bow on her head just like Alice. This weekend we went shopping and every time he saw a heart he wanted to buy it for Alice. Since it is Valentines season there were hearts everywhere so this grew to be pretty frustrating for both of us! We settled on a cute hamster stuffed animal to give to her.
49 more days until we go to Disneyland! I am so excited. Bradley is going to be so surprised! I am starting to feel guilty for not going with my parents. My mom basically raises Bradley and I know she loves to see his reaction to things like this so I am feeling bad that I am taking that from her. But on the other hand I think it would be really good for Bradley and I to actually go somewhere without my know so I actually have to be a mom! So then I start feeling like that is selfish and I should encourage my parents to go. What to do??? any advise would be appreciated. We will be gone over Easter. This will be the first holiday away from my parents. Easter morning at Disney they are having a special Alice in Wonderland character brunch. This is the only time they do an Alice character meal so I feel like it was destined that we go! have I told you how excited I am about this???
49 more days until we go to Disneyland! I am so excited. Bradley is going to be so surprised! I am starting to feel guilty for not going with my parents. My mom basically raises Bradley and I know she loves to see his reaction to things like this so I am feeling bad that I am taking that from her. But on the other hand I think it would be really good for Bradley and I to actually go somewhere without my know so I actually have to be a mom! So then I start feeling like that is selfish and I should encourage my parents to go. What to do??? any advise would be appreciated. We will be gone over Easter. This will be the first holiday away from my parents. Easter morning at Disney they are having a special Alice in Wonderland character brunch. This is the only time they do an Alice character meal so I feel like it was destined that we go! have I told you how excited I am about this???
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