the weather was absolutely perfect this year! I have never had a Halloween where I didn't have to wear a coat or at LEAST a jacket! But not this year. It was like 70 degrees! We started the day at his school. they didn't want them to wear their costumes so they let them wear pajamas instead. We have some communication problems with his teacher and she told my mom the party started at 12:15. So I took off work and went there and by 12:15 the party was already over. I was not a happy camper. I guess they decorated cookies, had a cookie walk and painted their faces....and I missed it all!!!
I took Bradley and the girls trick or treating. they are so funny. I remember as a kid I wanted to keep going until my bag was completely full. We went up our street, then to his friend William's street and then he was ready to go home. He didn't even want to trick or treat down the other side of OUR street! They had a blast handing out candy though so it was worth it to go in early. they had a great time.

Look at all my candy!!! And I don't even like candy!

ready to Trick or Treat!

Playing outside on the swingset waiting for Mommy to get home from work

Bradley's friend Gavin

Bradley's class eating snacks